
Easy Legal Planning is a legal document service and is not a law firm. The employees of Easy Legal Planning are not acting as your attorney and nothing from the Easy Legal Planning website or an employee of Easy Legal Planning should be construed as legal advice or the practice of law. Easy Legal Planning provides legal document services, is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney and cannot provide any form of legal advice. Easy Legal Planning and the employees of Easy Legal Planning do not engage in the practice of law. Easy Legal Planning and their employees are not allowed to provide any legal advice, opinion, explanation or suggestion about legal options, rights, forms or any other legal matter.

Easy Legal Planning provides general information on common legal issues and legal documents. Our website and software are designed to provide individuals the opportunity to prepare their own legal documents. As such, individuals using our software legal document software are responsible to review their submissions for accuracy, completeness, correct names and spelling, addresses and other personal information. Easy Legal Planning is not responsible for inaccuracies or inconsistencies on an individual's submission. Easy Legal Planning is not permitted to provide legal advice to an individual or apply the law to a particular situation. In no way are Easy Legal Planning services a substitute for the advice of an attorney.

Easy Legal Planning is dedicated to providing quality, up-to-date and state specific documents. Due to rapidly changing laws, varying interpretations of the law and variance in each jurisdiction, Easy Legal Planning cannot guarantee that all the information on the site is completely current. Easy Legal Planning provides general information and general legal documents and cannot fit every personal legal situation.

Easy Legal Planning does not offer legal advice based on a specific problem. If you feel that your situation is too complex for our legal document services please consult a licensed attorney in your area.

Easy Legal Planning is not responsible for any type of loss, claim, liability, damage, injury, or error related to the use of easylegalplanning.com from errors and/or omissions on our website or in our legal document services. In addition Easy Legal Planning is not responsible for any type of loss, claim, liability, damage, injury, or error from any related partner or partner’s website related to Easy Legal Planning.